Our bloodiest month in war on the Taliban

Death toll sapping public support for war, says retiring Army chief.


Matthew Hickley -Defence Correspondent

Daily Mail ,Friday, July31,2009


THE MOUNTING DEATH TOLL in AFGHANISTAN could destroy public support for the war and lead to 'strategic disaster', the outgoing Head of the Army has warned.

General Sir Richard Dannatt, who yesterday gave his final public speech before retiring, called for urgent investment in surveillance systems to pinpoint Taliban booby traps.

He said that while the Army itself would not waver, the high death rate ' could undermine our public will to continue taking theses casualties', putting the entire mission in jeopardy.

Latest figures yesterday revealed record numbers of troops wounded in the first two weeks of July.

Operation Panther's Claw plunged British forces into ferocious combat during which

57 soldiers were injured.

The toll, in a single fortnight, is more than the total seen in any previous complete month.

Military medical chiefs admitted U.S. surgical teams had to be drafted into the main field hospital at Camp bastion in Helmand as British surgeons were 'exhausted' by the number of casualties.

They outlined plans  to open extra wards at Headly Court, ther military rehabilitation centre in Surrey, to cope with a surge of wounded servicemen needing specialist care.

The Taliban ever-more powerful improvised explosive devices have become the biggest threat to British soldiers.

In the past three months British troops have encountered more than


such bombs, and explosions have claimed more than

40 lives

already this year -(2009).

In his speech to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, general Dannatt urged the PUBLIC and GOVERNMENT to realise that the country is at war in Afghanistan.

He said: 'We should be under no illusion. We are at war and we want to succeed, which we must, we must get onto a war-like footing.'

General Dannatt, who steps down as Chief of the General  Staff next month, said troops urgently needed more aerial surveillance systems capable of watching whole areas and tracking Taliban teams before and after they plant IEDs.

The figures show that casualty rates in Afghanistan , climbed to record levels in the first half of

July 2009



UK personnel wounded in action-compared with


in the whole of

 June 2009,

and only



May, 2009


The British death toll now stands at




in July, 2009 alone


Colonel Peter Mahoney who recently returned from commanding the Camp bastion hospital, described the strain on staff dealing with the rise of casualties.

'It's stressful for everyone, dealing with badly wounded young people-particularly when cutting off camouflage which you recognise as your own.' he said.

'That's always very emotional. But has it stopped them ? NO!

Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth yesterday admitted it was a 'MISTAKE' to try to cut compensation for injured troops.

However , he said the Government had to 'clrify' the situation so that wounded soldiers with the same injury did not get different payouts.

Mr Ainsworth also revealed that the REVIEW into the much-criticised Armed Forces Compensation Scheme would no be Independent.

'The Government can't abdicate it's responsibilty, we can't leave decisions to other people.' he said.



[Well! with the many instances in which the Government has made so many wrong  and in some cases illegal decisions over the past decade it would have been better if they had passed such matters to an Independent Body.  We would not have lost so many lives of our brave soldiers in Iraq and the mounting death toll in Afghanistan if the decision to enter these conflicts had not occurred. Our presence in Afghanistan is adding to the hatred from the Muslim world and no amount of politically-correct or other gender propaganda will alleviate the situation for our brave troops who battle on to protect their comrades in the first instance and with the knowledge that they appear expendable when they hear that their  presence  may be required in the terrifying killing fields in some of the most harsh terrain on the earth for the next 20 years.  Rightly many commentators have described the mission in Afghanistan as MISSION IMPOSSIBLE and no asinine comments by Harriet Herman as to the number of children attending school justifies the injury or death of even ONE SOLDIER.


 Blood and Oil-Middle East WWI-PT22-Hollow Victory


It is important that the people realise what we have only ourselves realised since May this year after researching  on the internet the so often quoted term NEW WORLD ORDER which has emanated of late  from the lips of Gordon Brown -George W Bush and now Barrack Obama and many others of the COFR the body which runs the U.S. and the World.   The real dangers were brought home to us of the WORLD CONSPIRACY by the INTERNATIONAL BANKERS to reduce the world's population and introduce a WORLD GOVERNMENT. The situation in the U.S. is at a crucial stage because of their PATRIOT ACT which is as far from patriot as one could go.  Unfortunately for the Americans they have a authority which is even beyond the control of their Congress.  It is called FEMA a paramilitary organisation above the law of the land with its own concentration camps some equipped with extermination means  by gas and other means and supported by foreign troops from Britain-Germany-Mexico-Canada and other countries.

OPERATION OVERWATCH: The US Marines, The British Royal Marines, & Canadian Military


In the case of Britain we have our so-called TERRORISM ACT which has given the Government  the ability to curb their people's once secure constitutional rights which have in the past been the evidence to the world of a FREE COUNTRY.



Only today we have an article in the Daily Mail to day by Max Hastings which underlines the arrogance , and greed of the Banks



MAIL COMMENT: Profits are welcome, big bonuses are not

By DAILY MAIL COMMENT All By This Author - 04/08/2009 15:04:39

Yesterday, Barclays and HSBC became the latest financial institutions to announce healthy

The Daily Mail COMMENT mentions the following :

...'What is disturbing is that BANKERS here still don't get. They are deaf to the public anger at THEIR GREED, and worse than that, still don't understand that unless the BONUS SYSTEM is changed we are DOOMED to repeat the CREDIT CRUNCH.'..


Our Reply:

'That harsh truth is that the INTERNATIONAL BANKS have the greater share of funds of the world in their hands so they decide THEIR POLICY. It is said that they control over 70% of money in circulation and after two centuries of rewards for financing both sides of the majority if not all the conflicts in the world they are sitting on mountains of gold. No Government can afford to make a stand because in reality they have no say.  We have BILDERBERGERS in all three of our political parties and even the Governor of the Bank of England who must be struggling to serve two masters the INTERNATIONAL BANKERS and the innocent taxpayers who have not realised that Governments are merely a cover for a GREAT ROBBERY which has been going on for centuries. The only way out is for a REVOLUTION by the PEOPLE to assert their control but with the miserable response so far from the public that possibility is receding by the day. Banks should be under the control of the REPRESENTATIVES of the PEOPLE not INTERNATIONAL BANKERS and until this is reversed their can be NO real stability in the BANKING INDUSTRY.






AUGUST 4-2009